
Read the latest news, updates, information, guides and all things Hanrahan Health.

Dysphagia reviews: Why are they important?

Dysphagia is a term that refers to a swallow that is disordered or not working as it should. 

Eye Gaze Technology

Eye gaze systems are a rapidly developing technology in the speech pathology world.

Visual perception in everyday places

You get up in the dark to go to the bathroom and step on a toy you cannot remember seeing...

The life of an Occupational Therapist at Hanrahan Health

Here at Hanrahan Health (HH), we have the opportunity to work across our different clinics...

Exposing your child to new foods!

Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists work closely with children that have...

All About Tongue Ties

A tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the piece of skin under the tongue, called...

The importance of intrinsic motivation in speech therapy and occupational therapy sessions

When planning my speech therapy sessions, I try to think back to my methods of studying for...

8 fun activities to do with your child that help language development

There are so many activities that you can do with your child to help with their language...

10 ways to improve your communication with your child

There are many ways that you can support your child to communicate. Here are some tips!

Safe and Enjoyable Mealtimes

One of the many specialities of speech pathologists is assessment and management of...

Echolalia: What is it and how can I help?

Echolalia is the immediate or delayed repetition of previously heard speech from songs, TV...

How do our writing skills develop and how can I help?

Before looking at writing skill development, we need to consider pencil grasp developmental...